Anorexia Gone
I had the privilege to "Seed Dig" with a sweet teenage girl last year who had a severe case of anorexia.
She had been starving herself for long periods of time and was unable to stop the control that the eating disorder had on her life.
She had been placed 3 times at Arkansas Children's Hospital because of the devastating physical effects the anorexia had on her body.
On the first occasion, doctors fought for her life as they stated she was the "worst case" they had ever seen.
After only a few sessions, this young lady is now anorexia free and no longer struggles with the addictive control and inner battle that the anorexia had over her life for years.
It has been almost one year since we discovered the "seed" that was causing those weeds and the horrible driving force of the anorexia.
She is now a healthy, normal weight and doesn't meet any of the qualifying criteria both physically and emotionally for the eating disorder.
She was successfully discharged from my care several months ago and Arkansas Children's Hospital has successfully discharged her case as well.
This sweet teenage girl continues to do well and the ravaging effects of the eating disorder are history and have not returned.
Below you can read her mother's encouraging testimonial letter regarding her precious daughter who not only survived anorexia, but pulled the disorder out at the "root" and now lives a healthy, full life.
Here is her life-changing story...
"My daughters anorexia began when she was 12 yrs old. Seemingly, right before our very eyes, she went from a healthy, happy child of normal weight to a very malnourished, starving, and obsessive preteen. We began the almost impossible task of trying to find help for her. We began by taking her to our family doctor and to a therapist in Springfield, MO, but nothing stopped the power of the anorexia. Two months passed and our daughter continued to lose weight until she was knocking on death's door. We found out, through google search, that Arkansas Childrens Hospital has an eating disorder outpatient clinic. Our doctor called but they could not get our daughter in for several weeks...I called and begged for them to move her appointment up...I got it moved from several weeks to 2 weeks...still too far out! Two days later I put her in the car and we traveled to Children's ER. They immediately took her back and admitted her to the hospital's eating disorder unit. Her heart rate was 35 bpm and they said she was the "worst case" they had ever seen! They began the process of saving her life. Fourteen days later, she was discharged from ACH, with instructions to return weekly to their outpatient eating disorder clinic. There she would see the Dr. , a nutritionist and a therapist. It would be nice if I could just end right now and say everything worked out great...but I can't. You see Anorexia does not like to let go so continues to haunt one's thoughts day and night
. I took my daughter to her therapy sessions and began to realize, these sessions are NOT working! They are not digging into the root of this illness, the cause, how it began with her. It does not begin for the same reasons in every person. She and I both knew that the therapy was too superficial. Even with the therapy, the nutritionist and the doctor visits, my daughter slipped into the downward spiral of anorexia 2 more times, ending up with stays in ACH. Our family and our daughter were all becoming so exhausted from the fight of trying to save her life...this went on for 3 more yrs. We were beginning to lose hope when I saw a friend had posted on Facebook Shawna's link to her Seed Digging website. I followed it and as I read about this therapy, I began to cry like a baby. I knew it was the therapy my daughter needed! I contacted Shawna and she got my daughter right in. Immediately we began to see results!!! After a very short time the anorexia began letting go and my daughter began to heal. I really believe that had it not been for the Seed Digging therapy, we would have buried my sweet girl and this story would have a tragic ending, but instead, she is now a normal weight and enjoying her life. Thank you are one of God's earthly angels!"
As encouraging as it was to be a part of that life-changing moment for that young girl, I can honestly tell you that there was NOTHING special that I did in that session to help her.
I followed a few simple steps that guided this young lady in discovering simple truths about herself that changed her perspective of life.
Just as I train in all my conferences, the concepts of Seed Digging are so simple that 4-5 year-old children understand them and use them to stop their own emotional and behavioral problems.
The Seed Digging Technique was originally created as a one-on-one counseling technique but the simple concepts behind the technique can be used in a wide variety of settings.
Parents, teachers, children and adults can use these concepts every day at home and at work and see life in a slightly different perspective that results in indescribable peace and joy.
Please feel free to share this story and my blog with anyone who needs to find freedom from addictions and emotional pain.
And to any person, both young and old, who is struggling with an eating disorder...there is hope! Please Don't Ever Give Up!